Oromiya Regional National State Rural Land Administration and Use Regulation (No.151/2012).

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This Regulation implements provisions of the Oromia Regional Rural Land Administration and Use Proclamation with respect to the rights and obligations of rural land administration and use in transparent and responsible manner. The Regulation, among other things, provides with respect to: conservation and protection of rural land and land use planning for this purpose; protection of remnant forests; conditions necessary to acquire rural land by private persons; distribution of irrigation land; use of rural land (also for investment purposes); lease of rural land; exchange of land; utilization of rural land for social services; rural land registration and certification; dispute and conflict resolution; duties and responsibilities of the Rural Land and Environmental Protection Bureau, the Zonal Administration Office, the Woreda Administration Office and the Kebele Administration (Kebele Rural Land Administration and use Committees are established under these Regulations); offences.

Implements: Oromia Rural Land Use and Administration Proclamation (No. 130 /2007). (2007)