YL Member Agreement Form: Enlarged

We are excited to offer you a replica of Young Living’s Member Agreement (enrollment form) typed out so that it is easier to read for your visually challenged potential members.

This form has the precise and exact legal language from Young Living’s official Member Agreement v.11 form. Please be sure to only use a form that has YL’s legal language (terms and conditions). This is crucial and a must for all new potential members. You must provide your new members with this information.

This form was created so that you could simply print the “legalease” section (page 8-14) one time and then print the form (page 1-7) for however many people that are signing up or attending, etc. Also, be sure to print page 15 and have on hand so that new members can take that with them. This is very important. Also, be sure to have extra copies of the “legalease” section and offer to new members because they must have the right to take this with them (or you can email them this information in PDF format, all of it is available in your virtual office under member resources >> policies . . . we will gather those and make them available here very soon).

Another option is to print the “legalease” section one time, place in a binder/folder and have the official enrollment forms on hand so you can send it with them. Or you could use the 1-2 page form that is circulating, just make sure you have the legal/agreement part there when new members sign up. Either way, you must be sure your new member sees/reads/obtains this information.

The Oil Posse Team is going to place the “legalease” and the “cancellation (page 15)” section in our “welcome to Young Living” folder we give all new enrolling members.

Please do not alter the form in any way. The legal language must stay exactly as stated via Young Living’s official form (v.11).

We hope this helps some of you.